Worcester - Sandpits Inn
Bromyard Road : WR2 5DJ
The Worcester Foresters' Sports were held in a field near the Sandpits Inn. The field was "entered from Bromyard Road and adjoined the County Cricket Ground and the old course at Boughton." The track was 7 laps to the mile.

The Foresters' sports on May 21st 1888 attracted a crowd of 7,000 people and there were running and bicycle races, a funfair and a display of fireworks in the evening. These sports continued annually, with bicycle races, up to the First World War.

The track was enlarged in 1891 to 4 laps to the mile and was stated to be in very good condition. At the Whit Monday 1891 Foresters' Sports, the Wolverhampton crack Sharpe won all the open races. Interestingly, this was the transition period for tyres and there were riders on all the types in use at that time - solid, cushion safety and pneumatics. Sharpe was riding pneumatics.

The track probably stopped being used after WWI. The Sandpits Inn changed its name to the Bedwardine and still operates as a public house at 128 Bromyard Road. The field next to the old County Cricket Ground was developed for housing in the 1920's in the area now called Isaac Walk.

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